Celebrate the small wins - Trust yourself, Trust your Chakras!
Acknowledging that you are worthy
Today, l remembered how important it is to celebrate the small wins when my first paid subscriber, paid.
A stranger but a stranger nonetheless that resonated with my writing, and for that I'm truly grateful. Your kindness and interest have inspired me to forge ahead. My passion project is to write and relate from the heart, joy, sorrow, and everything in between.
Interestingly, I’ve been observing over the last few weeks, a shift in my visual perception. Being drawn to seeing the colours; purple, blue, and green when in meditation or hanging out in a quiet space. Without, trying too much to psychoanalyse myself. I’ve found myself starting to revisit my work in vision science, colour psychology, yoga, and the chakras.
To receive a snapshot of my Jivamukti Chakra Immersion to Balance Energy class (one that is very popular with some peeps) please click here
In the Chakra system, the colours; Purple and Blue represent a connection to the Third Eye (Ajna-center of the forehead above the brows).
Along with symbolising the ability to join with inner knowing, intuition, and truth. Green is associated with the Heart Chakra (Anahata), the availability of self-love, and love for others along, with gratitude, and transformation. The presence of which is beginning to emerge in my field of awareness. By experiencing sensations over and throughout my chest area (the Heart Chakra) including my lungs, arms, and even my hands.
Seeing Blue/Purple more often can also be attributed to getting older, and climbing the ladder to self-actualisation. Blue represents Trust, trust in ourselves, our intuition, and the ability to move out of our own way (past our ego).
So perhaps the key to enhancing our ability to celebrate small wins and acknowledge that we are worthy lies in working with yoga poses, practices, and colours. To balance and restore any disturbances in these emotional and behavioural vortexes (the chakras). To become comfortable with celebrating small wins when they happen.