Thank you for being here, reading, listening and sharing my work. I hope you may benefit in some way from the insights and practices provided to help you navigate your personal and life’s ever changing landscape.
Nourishing Life is a combination of a contemplative podcast with prompts, insights and rituals for self care and creativity to ignite the spark of honesty within unapologetically, whilst navigating depression and menopause. Written from my floating home in nature on the Great River Ouse, Cambridge.
This week my fascination with maroon, earthy tones and smells comes forth. In a wonderful offering for you. Arriving in the form of a meditative practice to activate your Earth Star Chakra. Along with some essential oils recommendations and access to chakra harmonising yoga practice to help you restore and re activate balance. Including a little Stick man chart of some of my favourite poses to ground and balance. Rounding off with a sweet poem to hold close as you become daughter of the earth once more. Serving as a reminder for you dear reader and listener, of the innate light, strength and resilience that lays within you.
Dedicated to all those souls feeling out of sorts and/or experiencing some form of despair and/or challenge. My wish for this piece is to simply to offer you some form of supportive nourishment.
An aspect of myself that l’ve been reminded of and have been called to activate this past week. Navigating mental health support to my partner (diagnosed with severe depression) to my own health of dealing with dental issues. It has been a rather challenging start to 2025 to say the least. Seeking medical and professional help when absolutely needed of course, l lean back into simple and holistic practices for support and nourishment hence the purpose of this piece.
CHAKRAS - Nourishment of a different kind
Whilst some of you may be familiar with the chakra system, for those who are not, Chakra’s are invisible spinning wheels of energy placed at intervals along a main central energy channel (Sushumna Nadi) think a tubular shape that runs from our feet to our crown (think of you spine then visualise these spinning wheels of light along it).
In addition there are another two main channels either side of this central channel which all start at the base of the spine and ascend through the head. These are Ida Nadi - A lunar energy channel representing Yin, which is symbolic of the moon, the left side of body, the feminine. Pingala Nadi represents a solar energy channel delineates Yang, noted as the sun, the right side, the masculine qualities.
Ida and Pingala Nadis crisscross each other as they spiral upwards and connect to opposite nostrils. Where Ida and Pingala intersect with each other and Sushumna, are the seven main chakras. The chakras define cross sections of the physical human body, in the form of nerve plexuses, which house organ systems.
Seven Chakras in total but what you may not know is there is an additional chakra referred to as EARTH STAR a chakra located below the feet that connects us to the Earth’s energy. Although not always recognised in traditional chakra systems, in certain ancient philosophies it is believed to add additional support to the 1st ROOT chakra in the main Chakra System. Boosting stability, survival and connection and eliminating fear. Providing a solid foundation for personal growth and wellbeing. In particular helping imbalances physically and emotionally.
Each wheel is relative to our innate characteristics, emotional and physical, when these are out of balance we experience disease/disconnection.
Rooted in the philosophies of Hinduism and Buddhism, chakras hold a prominent place in the science of yoga helping to restore harmony and balance.
EARTH STAR - an invitation to restore balance
A bridge between our physical existence and our higher consciousness.
Vasundhara – the Sanskrit name for the Earth Star Chakra – translates to:
“Daughter of the Earth”
The energy center beneath our feet inspires our connection with the core of the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity.
The upward pointing triangle/pyramid represents fire, and the masculine.
The downward pointing triangle/pyramid signifies grounding in the earthly realm, stability and connection to the material world.
Maroon, brown and a deep earthy brown are the colours of the Earth Star Chakra symbol.
Associated Crystals: Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz.
To learn more you can access a popular class of mine online introducing to the concept of the fundamental Chakras click the link below.
PRACTICE to locate and activate the Earth Star Chakra
Locating and activating the Earth Star Chakra requires mindfulness and intention. Here’s a simple exercise to help you connect with this powerful chakra which can be done by using essential oils and/or healing crystals such as Hematite, Black Tourmaline, and Smoky Quartz.
Place the relevant crystal into your palm choose from Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz.
Apply your essential oil or blend of three from the list below at the ball of both of your feet. This area is the location of an important Chinese meridian point called Bubbling Spring which has to do with strengthening your chi (life force energy) and promotes longevity.
Ylang Ylang
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Alternatively standing somewhere quiet and/in nature.
Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
Visualise a bright, glowing ball of energy beneath your feet.
Imagine roots extending from the bottom of your feet, reaching deep into the Earth.
As you inhale, imagine drawing up the Earth’s grounding energy through these roots and into the Earth Star Chakra.
As you exhale, allow any stagnant or negative energy to be released back into the Earth.
Repeat this visualisation and breath work for a few minutes, allowing the Earth Star Chakra to become activated and balanced.
PROMPTS to use and connect with ESC
As l mentioned earlier and a theme that runs through most of my posts and podcasts:
Spend more time in nature.
Have a regular walking practice.
Look up at the night sky.
FINDING BALANCE ( In Perimenopause and Menopause)
In navigating my own journey of a changing body and mind. One of the many changes l’ve noticed has been MY BALANCE, firstly physical and secondly emotionally.
Returning back to more grounding practices such as standing poses in yoga and combining weight strengthening, a healthy diet and increase in walking have also contributed to restoring balance.
Recommended Standing, grounding and balance poses
Standing Split, W3, W2, W1, High Lunge, Half Moon, Tree, Head to knee pose, Standing leg pose
Never really suffering from anxiety before perimenopause, l was almost giving myself full blown panic attacks from obsessive anxiety (for no apparent reason really!) Over the last two months. Finally, l found this wonderful device (and l am not in anyway affiliated with it!) but instead can just tell you how it’s basically got my anxiety under control now and improved my sleep (before my dental issues!).
How it works
CalmCarry® uses gentle microcurrent therapy to promote relaxation and calmness.
It stimulates the PC8 acupressure point in the hand releasing endorphins for natural anxiety relief, insomnia relief and mood enhancement.
By balancing the body's electrical system, it reduces stress and anxiety.
Targeting the triple warmer meridian, it regulates the stress response, fostering relaxation and calmness.
Carrying the light
In difficult and challenging times
I return to a child like curiosity
A distraction from the darkness of fear and grief
I ask what lies beyond and beneath my feet?
Rejoining a sacred core connection to all that is
Ancestral history coming through
Present to receive
Illuminating potential
Stabilising energy, giving life
Activating energy, cultivating possibilities
Unearthing wonder and awe
An invitation to life’s adventures once more
Prompting how and where l will stand
To determine where l will land
A star of the earth and the night sky
l must remember l will always carry the light
A child of earth and later the stars
A ball of radiant energy and light