Welcome, and why l choose Substack
A new way to share, connect and collaborate your ideas and inspirations
What is Substack?
Is an interactive platform where writers, teachers, guides and digital content creators can share their work in the form of written or spoken word. Substack’s recent evolving technology with video notes and podcasts now also provides content creators with other options to express their creativity. It is a very quiet, calm and versatile space to connect. Less noisy than Instagram and where you can also become part of a community where you can leave thoughtful comments and engage in community chats.
Why I’m so happy l choose Substack
After being very active on Instagram and having websites for a while. I just wasn’t feeling like anything was really working or connecting anymore. I had previously written Newsletters and had a great Subscriber list. However, l felt limited in my reach, especially in reaching new people while at the same time honouring the connection with my existing tribe. During and coming out of Covid I felt like l was never going to find my way back to what l had grown for over two decades from the many floors of yoga studios and workshops.
However, since landing here on Substack l’ve began to feel more like myself (pre-covid) and l’ve been amazed at how many people l’ve reached. It’s still early days and there is so much to learn but it feels like home. A new home where l’m still unpacking the contents of the past as well as the new and working out the best places for them to reside.
Here are my top four reasons why l choose Substack:
Discoverability is a key benefit of being on this platform and l have reached far more people in such a short space of time than l ever did elsewhere.
Evolving technology and mediums to share and cross promote your work on Substack the technology is constantly evolving and making it much easier to do everything from one place (still a learning curve for me). What l mean is that you can write an article in the form of a newsletter and or blog, record it as an audio and then release it as a podcast. With podcasts being available on apple iTunes, Spotify and UTUBE thus reaching a whole new audience for your offerings.
Collaborate and connection is the other main reason. It has and is so easy to connect and feel supported by the collective. Including people you may follow and admire. I’ve loved my journey so far and found like l’ve really truly found my new home.
No Judgement and non-competitiveness just constant inspiration to learn and be yourself.
So what is Nourishing Time with Salema?
It is an evolving space dedicated to enquiry, prompts & practices to be well, mean well and live well in the age of technology. Blending two decades of teaching various forms of movement, yoga, therapy, coaching, mindfulness and meditation. Accompanied with insights from my academic psychological and technology studies to breathe a fresh perspective on how we can live harmoniously with evolving technology, ourselves and each other. Communicated by written, audio and soon video notes and practices.